Downtown Library Construction

Please pardon our dust and noise at the Downtown Library while the exterior stone gets restored. All library services are still available. We hope to bring you an improved facility. 

Can't Find It?

RIPL employee helping man find items on the card catalog computer

Didn't Find What You Were Looking For?

Let us help! Librarians are pros at tracking down resources.

Ways We Can Help

Search Our Catalog

Rock Island Public Libraries and seven other Illinois Quad City-area libraries belong to the PrairieCat online catalog administered by the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS). Our PrairieCat membership provides Rock Island Public Library cardholders with access to more materials and more account features.

Suggest a Purchase

Didn’t find it in the catalog? You can suggest a purchase to our collection. We will evaluate all requests against the needs of our collection and our patrons.

Out of System Loan Requests

If an item cannot be located in the PrairieCat catalog, Rock Island Library patrons in good standing can request an ILL (InterLibrary Loan). Please be aware of the following:

  • Waiting periods are typically longer than for holds placed within the PrairieCat system.
  • The checkout period is at the discretion of the lending library and may vary.
  • ILLs must be picked up within 5 days of notification. Items not picked up will incur a $3 fee.
  • To renew an item, contact

To request an out of system loan request, see a staff member or use our online form. Please see our Interlibrary Loan Policy for full details.