Library Planning
The following links will provide more information about our strategic plan, which is a short-term road map for library priorities, and our longer-term building plan, which provides the library with a guide for improving our facilities over time. Both documents work together, and as living plans, are subject to revision and change.

Thanks for your support!
The former Tri-City Jewish Center project is complete. The community phase of fundraising ran from June 29, 2021 well past the grand opening of the new Rock Island Public Library Watts-Midtown Branch and Rock Island YMCA facilities on March 11, 2023.
Your kind support and donations to the Rock Island Public Library Foundation and Two Rivers YMCA made this project possible. Fundraising pledges and naming opportunities for this project are always welcome.
- To contribute, contact Rock Island Public Library Foundation Executive Director Kathy Lelonek at 309-732-7326 or at