About the Foundation
The Rock Island Public Library Foundation is a private 501c3 foundation (EIN number 36-3370264) was set up in 1985 to support needs of the Rock Island Public Library that fall outside of the Library’s carefully managed tax-supported budget. Donations made through the Foundation carry the added advantage of tax-deductibility. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, so contributions to the Foundation are the ideal way to create a lasting legacy.
Contributions may be made on an unrestricted basis to allow for maximum flexibility, or directed. Special areas of support include, but are not limited to:
- Capital Campaigns
- Children's Materials
- Art & Drama Programs
- Library Beautification Projects
- Programs and Education
- Adult Materials
- Equipment and Furniture
The Foundation runs other short-term fundraisers, not listed here. For information about our Take A Seat campaign, please contact the Foundation Executive Director. For contact details, see "How Do I Contact the Rock Island Library Foundation?" under "Leaving a Legacy."
Volunteers Welcomed!
The Library Foundation manages an ongoing group of volunteers, known as PALS (People Advocating for Library Services,) who provide long-term, sustaining support for important library projects. For more about this group, and how to join, please visit our Volunteer page.
Leaving a Legacy
Please consult your legal or tax professional for specific advice about how to include the Rock Island Library Foundation in your estate or tax plans. Your options may include:
- Contributions through an IRA
- Tributes to a Loved One
- Named Memorial Funds
- Life Insurance Designations
- Estate Bequests
- Gifts-in-Kind
- Matching Gifts
- Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts or Revocable Trusts
As a 501c3 charitable corporation, contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Mailing Address:
Rock Island Public Library Foundation
P.O. Box 4723
Rock Island, IL 61204-4723
By Phone:
Call Foundation director Kathy Lelonek at 309-732-7326.
By Email:
Reach out to riplfoundation@gmail.com.

Support our Capital Campaign
The Rock Island Public Library Foundation is currently engaged in an exciting project with the Two Rivers YMCA to build healthy minds and bodies together under one roof. The Rock Island Public Library and the Two Rivers YMCA will share occupancy of the former Tri-City Jewish Center on 30th Street, which is now owned by the YMCA. The Rock Island Public Library will establish a branch at the site, which will include a modest collection, community room, meeting/study rooms, and a teen center for the benefit of library users. No pledge is too small. Your gift is needed and appreciated.