Martin Luther King Jr Day

All Rock Island Public Libraries will be closed Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Library2Go routes are cancelled for Monday. 

Library Card Application & Renewal

Apply or renew any Rock Island Library card online. If you prefer, you may also sign up or renew at any Rock Island Public Library. To qualify, you must reside or own property within our service area.

For temporary residency or other situations, please contact us at 309-732-7323.

Card Application Information

(for digital-only access)
(for ages 18 and up)
(for ages 6-17)
(for child age 5 or under)

Your Information


Terms & Conditions

I am a resident of either Rock Island or the Milan-Blackhawk Area Public Library District.
I understand and agree to the following statements:
  • I am 14 years of age or older and a resident of Rock Island or the Milan-Blackhawk Area Public Library District.
  • I will not permit anyone other than myself to use this virtual library card.
  • I will report a lost or stolen barcode immediately.
  • I realize this virtual card will allow users 18 to older to access only the library's digital online resources, such as databases, digital content, eBooks, and online research tools. It does not permit me to borrow physical materials, such as print resources, or audio-visual materials, or to place physical materials on hold.
  • I also understand that this virtual card does not permit me to access the Internet on library computers.
  • Library rules and policies are subject to change without notice.
I have read and accept this disclaimer:
By submitting this application, I agree to comply with all library policies, to pay for loss of or injury to, for materials/equipment borrowed, to pay fines for overdue items and other reasonable fees incurred, and to immediately notify you of an address change or loss of card. I understand that the library is not responsible for damage or harm a borrowed item may cause to persons or personal property. Confidentiality requirements are waived to the extent necessary for collection of overdue fines, loss, or injury to materials/equipment.
Type your name into the box below to digitally sign this application.
Type your name into the box below to digitally sign this application on behalf of a child (ages 17 and under).